The Clinic

Get Back On Track in 90 mins with The Clinic

Providing straight talking strategic comms advice, guidance and creativity to make you feel inspired, confident and help you take action – fast!

  • We’re going to provide you with clarity, confidence and help you ensure your strategic brand marketing and comms is designed for connection, to make an impact to your business and to others.
  • Learning how to maximize your results better to drive your success even further.
  • You’ll feel energized, inspired and even excited about your comms plan.
  • We’ll bring back some fun and creativity into your strategic vision – who said comms had to be boring?

If you are an SME or small organisation – this solution would be a great fit for your needs

Introducing our 5 Spheres of Connection® strategic framework

Drive your vision, promote innovation, deliver impact and create sustainable, long-lasting positive change.

Our framework will help communicate your story to connect with people at a deeper level; unite and mobilize the ‘spheres’ in your community to become an integral driver of your success.

Break down silos.
Break through resistance.
Break free with community.

Watch the video:

visionaries leaders
trailblazers teams
champions advocates
discoverers eraly adopters
pathfinders partners
5 Spheres of Connection mobile
Together we can break new ground.

What does The Clinic session include?

  • 1 x 90 min session via Zoom to discuss your challenges and guidance on best course of action.
  • Email support for one week (Monday – Friday).
  • 1 x 30 min follow up review after 30 days.

Investment: £279 plus VAT


  • These sessions are designed to provide you with clarity to speed up your decision making.
  • Let’s blitz your overwhelm and overcome procrastination so that you can take action and move forward.
  • If you’re stuck but still can’t hire an expert then this session is great value for accessing expertise, insights and guidance.

Copyright © 2024 KV Communications Ltd | Company no: 7521718 | VAT No: 107604243| Branding Strategy & Website by BigFizz

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